Please note that Streetscape is no longer in operation Click here to read our closing message
Guy and the team have set up AP Homegrown in West Sussex at the home of Architectural Plants.
To find out more about the apprenticeship opportunities they have click here.

Wanted: Four Streetscape apprentices



Are you young, unemployed and looking for that break?

To have the chance to apply for our apprenticeships,

On the day, you’ll get to work with us and learn what landscapingcome along to one of our free Recruitment Days at Myatt’s Fields Park, Lambeth,SE5 9RA.

 is all about! We also offer assistance with job search in the industry, tailored to your individual needs. Find out more by clicking here.

“Our hope is that our plants, coupled with the vision of Streetscape, will help unlock the potential of a sector of society that is constantly overlooked.”

Nigel Gibson, Sales Executive, Provender Nurseries