Please note that Streetscape is no longer in operation Click here to read our closing message
Guy and the team have set up AP Homegrown in West Sussex at the home of Architectural Plants.
To find out more about the apprenticeship opportunities they have click here.

Streetscape’s annual report and accounts for 2014 – 15

Click here to read Streetscape’s annual report and accounts for 2014 – 15. We would like to thank all of our donors, volunteers and supporters that have contributed to our work and we very much look forward to working with you all going forward.

If you would like to find out more about any of the information provided, please do get in touch.

“Streetscape has worked with huge enthusiasm alongside Stepney City Farm. We believe they are truly adding something of great worth to us and to the community, and wish them every success in their innovative venture.”

Bessie Venables, Stepney City Farm