Please note that Streetscape is no longer in operation Click here to read our closing message
Guy and the team have set up AP Homegrown in West Sussex at the home of Architectural Plants.
To find out more about the apprenticeship opportunities they have click here.

Thomas Lowe, Streetscape Graduate 2014-15

Hi I’m Tom. I started my apprenticeship in November 2013, and graduated in November 2014. I found Streetscape to be an awesome place to work. Before I started I had been unemployed for quite a while, I was on a horticultural course but was unsure if it would lead to anything real. Thankfully it led me to a recruitment day with Streetscape, and straight away I knew I wanted to work for the company. At Streetscape, I had learnt lots of new skills and made good friends. I’m on my way to becoming a landscaper and I have Streetscape to thank.

Contact if you would like to see my CV and visit the ‘Employ an apprentice’ page for further information.

“If only all of our businesses were as organised and supportive as Streetscape!”

Daniel Rosen, Business Development Consultant, KEITS