Please note that Streetscape is no longer in operation Click here to read our closing message
Guy and the team have set up AP Homegrown in West Sussex at the home of Architectural Plants.
To find out more about the apprenticeship opportunities they have click here.

Volunteer / Skills share

IMAG0606Want to feel like you’re ‘making a difference’ and be part of something innovative and fun?

We are always in need of professional volunteers with a range of expertise and a passion to make a difference. This could be anything from mathematical wizards with accounting skills, communications experts to help us spread our message, mentors, or youth workers with an experience of working with young people. Streetscape is a community effort, and we welcome your valuable experience in helping us to get young people into skilled work.

“I’ve really enjoyed volunteering for Streetscape. It’s been fun working with such a dynamic and friendly team, and it hasn’t done my CV any harm either! Best of all, I know that by volunteering for Streetscape I’m helping the apprentices to realise potential that’s already there. I really am helping people to grow their own lives.”
Vicky Hill, volunteer and past client

To find out more please email or call 020 3542 3464.

Donate now →


“We are delighted to be able to sponsor the Streetscape team in this ambitious and worthwhile venture. Offering disadvantaged individuals an opportunity to realise their own potential is something we are more than happy to support.”

William Salter, Managing Director, Paragon