Please note that Streetscape is no longer in operation Click here to read our closing message
Guy and the team have set up AP Homegrown in West Sussex at the home of Architectural Plants.
To find out more about the apprenticeship opportunities they have click here.

Streetscape releases Annual Report for Donors, 2012-13

reportClick here for our three-page report for donors for the year 2012-13, which details Streetscape’s achievements and lessons, and our future plans.

It has been a great year for us, expanding to two landscape teams with four apprentices at a given time, winning a Silver Gilt Medal at the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 2013, and with all of our graduate apprentices having moved into work.

Of course, there have been many lessons too, which we welcome as we seek to continually improve our apprenticeships and services, and ultimately grow Streetscape to enable more and more young people to move into and retain work.

We have had many companies and individuals contact us already to support Streetscape in 2013-14. Do contact our co-founder, Guy Watts,, 020 3542 3464 to discuss how you could get involved in this exciting project and help grow lives.

“I’m pleased to be involved with Streetscape; it’s a bold project that will make a real difference to the lives of people who have traditionally been left behind.”

Dr Damian Hatton, Founder of Street League